How do you like our web site? Do you have any questions or comments? Our school depends on your satisfaction, so please let
us know what you think. Just click this address to send us mail:
Mail to Jim Hewes
Mail to Angie Hewes
Or you can reach us at our mailing address: Flying Dragon Taekwon-Do, LTD 141 S. DuPont Blvd. Smyrna,
DE 19977
Or you can give us a call at 302/423-4516.

Martial Arts Links
This list consists of web sites that we check on a fairly regular basis. Some are for general information and others are
distrubtors that our school uses (they also tend to have cool links to other sites as well).
International Taekwon-Do Federation
Unified International Taekwon-Do Federation
Downey's Taekwon-Do Web Site
Downey's TKD
Black Belt Magazine
Black Belt Magazine Online